Introduction to ElfBB and downloading Locked Sticky

14.07.2004 15:59:57
ELF is a messageboard that can store it's data using files (XML) or a MySQL database. It was designed (originally anyway) to be lightweight and easy to install, use and backup. The lightweight ideology (regarding features) might have been slightly derailed but it's still there. ELF is free of charge and is distributed under MIT License

Features include formatted messages (bold, italic, underline, del and [img][/img]), search-function, message quoting, administrative tools (lock, stick, modify, delete) and can function moderated (manually show/hide messages/threads). It can be skinned and is multilanguage.

Only a dev-version is available for now but the code is reasonably stable. No hugely critical bugs should be present anyway, but use at your own discression.

No documentation exists at the moment.

For installation, unpack the tarball, login to the Configuration panel by visiting the url /index.php?act=login (password: admin). Browse through the configuration and make sure both config.php and datadir is chmod 777, the latter not important when using MySQL.

Try it out. The latest package can be downloaded from

If you download and use ELF, please let me know that you use it. This is the only "requirement" for using ELF. I just want to know... :) An e-mail or a post on this board is sufficient, a postcard would be great. Ask me for my snail-mail -address if you need it.

Would you like to contribute? I would very much appreciate language-files, skins and installation instructions as well as other documentation.